What is EMS, and why should you have it done?

EMS Water Damage

EMS Dryout Equipment at a Water Damage Jobsite

EMS stands for Emergency Mitigation Service. This is a term used in the Insurance and Restoration industries to describe any kind of work done immediately in order to prevent further damage or loss at a property. It can apply to many different services, depending on the type of loss. For a Water Damage loss, this may involve repairing the source of the flooding, water extraction, removal of wet drywall, spraying wet areas with an anti-microbial agent to prevent mold growth, removing furniture from affected areas, and setting up drying equipment to start drying wet areas. For Fire Damage claims, it may involve services like board-up, temporary fencing, demolition or shoring up of an unsafe structure. For Wind or Storm damage, it may include a tarp-up of the roof, board-up of damaged windows, and Water Damage services if the damage caused rain to enter the structure.

As you can see, EMS is a broad term, but the general idea is to take actions that will prevent further damage, or make the property safe and secure.

If you need EMS in Riverside County, San Bernardino County, or anywhere in the Inland Empire, Call us at (800) 380-5325, 24 Hours a day, 7 Days a week!

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